Meeting of the Zoning & Hearing Board


The following notice was mailed out via USPS to all properties within a 500-foot radius of the two applicants in question:



Notice is given that the Zoning Hearing Board of the Borough of Telford will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., at the Telford Borough Office at 50 Penn Avenue, Telford, Pennsylvania, to receive testimony and evidence, consider, deliberate and render a decision on the following applications:

1. Hoff Properties, LLC for a variance from the requirements of Section 27-414 to permit the introduction of Use R5 Multiple Dwelling in a C-2 Commercial District and a variance from Section 27-415(5)(d) relating to off-street parking requirements in connection with the proposed conversion of a building to multi-family residential use as to the property located at 122 Penn Avenue, Telford, Montgomery County, PA and identified as Tax Parcel No. 22-02-01789-00-5.

2. On-Command Holdings, LLC for variances from Section 27-401(4) to add a second principal use to a property, Section 27-1402(1) to permit the introduction of Use LI-5 Veterinary Facilities in a C-2 Commercial District, and Section 27-415(C) (14)(a) relating to off-street parking requirements as to the property located at 178 Penn Avenue, Telford, Montgomery County, PA and identified as Tax Parcel No. 22-02-01756-00-2.

Applications may be reviewed at the Telford Borough Offices during regular business hours.

Telford Borough Zoning Hearing Board

50 Penn Avenue

Telford, PA 18969
